Hand in Hand for Kaliadem

WalkWith Indonesia
3 min readSep 25, 2020

Some dreams came true, and we glad ours did.

After working with the data collection, analysis, and focus group discussion we had with the people of Kali Adem, we decided to do the first thing first: CLEAN UP THE ENVIRONMENT.

As ‘a home’ to hundreds of people and children in Kaliadem, their neighbourhood is in need of cleaning up and sanitation for better living. Rubbish and dirt have been their friends for long time ago, and tidal floods are inevitable to come around anytime the wave is high and the rainy season comes. This is our first goal: clean up.

We collaborate with local government and officers to plan a cleaning-up day in Kaliadem. Opening a recruitment to find volunteers to work with us, we planned a cleaning-up day on 29 August 2020 as a productive weekend for WalkWith and local people. More than 30 volunteers from across Java Island applied and actually came to help us out with also the participation of local people and officers.

We also provided the area with trash bins, plastic bags, and cleaning equipment for the day forward after the cleanup day, because we aimed to make this cleaning mission as a sustainable habit at least for the people who live in Kaliadem.

It was actually a very draining process for all of us where the volunteers collected all of the piled-up garbage, hopefully, their kindness can be returned to their own selves. The process was so efficient because everyone worked hand in hand and so passionate to clean up the area.

One of our last moments is when our volunteers took the garbage to the truck, as can be seen, that the volunteers put the garbage that had been collected during the activity that day with pleasure which you can check in the video here.

After the program was finished, we rested and chatted with each other, and to get rid of our thirst, we enjoyed Ice Mambo provided by the local residents as you can see the moments by clicking the link below.

Here are some snapshots of our activity, and of course you can see more dedicated heartwarming faces of our volunteers through this link.

Thank you, volunteers! Hope to see you again in the next project!

